
delivery vehicle中文是什么意思

  • 运载工具



  • 例句与用法
  • City delivery vehicle dispatching model and its algorithm
  • Db2 fixpack 10 , as its name implies , is more of a maintenance than feature based code delivery vehicle
    顾名思义, db2 fixpack 10更像是一种维护,而不是提供新特性的代码。
  • Wireless networks are of great value to fleets of trucks , taxis , delivery vehicles , and repairpersons for keeping in contact with home
  • By the end of this year , ups will have more than 3 , 500 employees in china , deploying more than 1 , 400 delivery vehicles and operating more than 75 facilities
    今年年底前, ups在中国将拥有超过3500名员工, 1400部车辆设备和75处运营设施。
  • Like many other researchers , we selected a virus as our delivery vehicle , or vector , because viruses are skilled at smuggling genes into cells
    我们和其他许多研究者一样,选用病毒做为运送基因的工具(或称载体) ,因为病毒擅长将基因夹带进入细胞。
  • During this period , the company began using consolidated delivery , that is combining packages addressed to a certain neighbourhood onto one delivery vehicle
  • Headquartered in atlanta , usa , ups generated revenues of us $ 42 . 6 billion in 2005 and its global network includes more than 427 , 700 employees and 91700 delivery vehicles
    2005年, ups总收入为426亿美元,拥有超过四十二万的员工和九万一千辆运送车辆。
  • During this period , the company began using consolidated delivery , that is combining packages addressed to a certain neighbourhood onto one delivery vehicle
  • Second , some reports utilized the baculovirus as a gene delivery vehicle into mammalian cells and did not have any bad effect on the growth of mammalian cell
  • Technology at ups spans an incredible range , from small handheld devices to specially designed package delivery vehicles and global computer and communications systems
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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