delivery n. 1.引渡,交付;【商业】交货;【法律】正式让渡。 2.运送;投递;传送。 3.分娩。 4.陈述,讲演;口才。 5.【棒球】投球。 6.救助;释放。 the means of delivery 发射工具。 an express delivery 快信,快件。 the two o'clock delivery 两点钟投递的邮件。 aerial delivery 空投。 easy [difficult] delivery 顺[难]产。 a good [poor] delivery 能说会道[笨嘴拙舌]。 delivery book 交货簿,送货簿。 delivery of canal 渠道输水量。 delivery port 输出港。 delivery on arrival 货到交付。 delivery on term 定期交付。 take delivery of 收到送货(The balance will be paid on taking delivery of the machine. 收到机器就付还差额)。
vehicle n. 1.车辆;载运工具;飞行器;运行工具。 2.媒介物,媒质。 3.【药学】赋形剂。 4.【绘画、化】展色料,载色剂。 a space vehicle太空船。 an escape vehicle太空飞行器。 a rocket vehicle火箭。 a staged vehicle多级火箭。 a seeking vehicle自动寻找目标的火箭。 an airborne vehicle飞机载运导弹。 the greater [lesser] vehicle【佛教】大[小]乘。 Language is the vehicle of thought. 语言是表达思想的工具。
City delivery vehicle dispatching model and its algorithm 城市配送车辆调度模型及算法设计
Db2 fixpack 10 , as its name implies , is more of a maintenance than feature based code delivery vehicle 顾名思义, db2 fixpack 10更像是一种维护,而不是提供新特性的代码。
Wireless networks are of great value to fleets of trucks , taxis , delivery vehicles , and repairpersons for keeping in contact with home 无线网络对快速运输车队、出租车、快递专车和修理工与他们家里保持联系等方面有很大的意义。
By the end of this year , ups will have more than 3 , 500 employees in china , deploying more than 1 , 400 delivery vehicles and operating more than 75 facilities 今年年底前, ups在中国将拥有超过3500名员工, 1400部车辆设备和75处运营设施。
Like many other researchers , we selected a virus as our delivery vehicle , or vector , because viruses are skilled at smuggling genes into cells 我们和其他许多研究者一样,选用病毒做为运送基因的工具(或称载体) ,因为病毒擅长将基因夹带进入细胞。
During this period , the company began using consolidated delivery , that is combining packages addressed to a certain neighbourhood onto one delivery vehicle 在此时期,公司开始使用合并派送方式,将要寄送至相邻地区的包裹,集中在同一部快递车上。
Headquartered in atlanta , usa , ups generated revenues of us $ 42 . 6 billion in 2005 and its global network includes more than 427 , 700 employees and 91700 delivery vehicles 2005年, ups总收入为426亿美元,拥有超过四十二万的员工和九万一千辆运送车辆。
During this period , the company began using consolidated delivery , that is combining packages addressed to a certain neighbourhood onto one delivery vehicle 在此期间,该公司开始使用固定的递送,即将地址定为某一街区的包裹与一部递送车辆结合起来。
Second , some reports utilized the baculovirus as a gene delivery vehicle into mammalian cells and did not have any bad effect on the growth of mammalian cell 因此,本论文中讨论一些影响蛋白质表现量与延长表现的参数如:培养基的更换、重复感染、病毒感染方式。
Technology at ups spans an incredible range , from small handheld devices to specially designed package delivery vehicles and global computer and communications systems Ups的技术波及一个难以置信的范围,从小型手持设备,专门设计的包裹递送车,到全球计算机与通信系统。